SIGHT - Our little lions have amazing eyesight, especially when it comes to horizontal movements! Placing a bird feeder on the outside of your window & setting up a cushy little spot on the 'sill {or a chair} is a fantastic way to keep your feline entertained. Likewise, fish {in a secured tank!} may provide as much visual enrichment. But if neither of these are an option for you, searching for fish, bird & squirrel videos will yield a plethora of options. See what takes their fancy!
SOUND - Our little lions have acute hearing to enable them to locate prey. Keeping a screened window open allows for them to hear birds & small creatures scurrying through bushes, across fences & up into trees. If the window isn’t an option, playing sounds of woodland creatures can be just as effective.
I like to bring a portable radio to my felines {Classic FM gets their paw of approval!}
SMELL - Catnip, valerian, silvervine & honeysuckle come in many forms, all providing fantastic options for scent enrichment.
In dry or liquid form, you can use these on existing toys; giving them a new lease of life; scattering them around the house, in boxes or paper bags, encouraging your little lion to use their keen sense of smell to hunt & attack.
Novelty is important when determining the right predatory play for your feline. Rotating the toys every few days will ensure that your toy stash remains new & interesting. If you notice that one of your little lion’s favourite toys is being ignored, try putting it away & swapping it out for another toy.
TOUCH - Our little lions love to interact with objects by using their paws to claw & scratch. If you don't provide material for them, they will seek it out for themselves, usually furniture, carpets, rugs & even shoes! To prevent this destructive behaviour, placing a scratching post, mat or box, driftwood or fire logs beside the areas your kitty has taken a liking to. This will divert them to something far more satisfying.
Our little lions are still wild at heart - they are predators. Toys, such as stuffed mice, string, feathered teasers, wands & balls, are a substitute & are meant to mimic prey. A variety will allow them to exercise their predatory instincts.
TASTE - It's a little more satisfying when all of the foraging & chasing pays off, so don't forget to reward your little lion every once in a while. Strategically place treats for them to find; in boxes, cups, rolls or paper bags.
In spacious locations, where you know you won't knock anything over, try flicking or rolling the treats across a floor & watch your little wildling dash after them {it’s so amusing!}
There are plenty of puzzle feeders & playful dispensers on the market, with a variety of mechanisms for releasing their rewards.